Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Negro Please!!!! (excerpt)

....From head to toe we dress the part of the upright citizen, always checking to see if our hair is too nappy or if our blouse gives someone else the blues. We speak only when spoken to and only about what is already being discussed. We are told that it is impolite to talk about race, religion or politics in the workplace, which essentially means “We don’t want to hear your whining.”

This decorum relegates the usual workplace discussions to topics such as “Who’s the hottest, Jessica Simpson or Britney Spears????” and you had better have an opinion! “Jada who????....Oh Will Smith’s wife. I like that Will Smith” We never notice that knowing nothing about us doesn’t make anybody else less of an American. The banter continues until the work day ends, the melting pot simmers down for the day and everyone goes their separate ways until tomorrow....

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